About Our Tests
Whether you want to feel better, live longer or get to know yourself a little more, we want to empower you to take control of your health with our easy-to-use tests you can do at home
Our mission is to make state-of-the-art laboratory blood testing available to everyone. We’ve harnessed the expertise of the UK’s top pathology laboratories with the latest consumer technology to make 21st Century blood testing a simple, easy-to-use process available for everybody.
If you are struggling with your health, it is important to try and identify what you are reactive or intolerant to.
Acute allergic reactions to food and non food items are becoming more and more frequent in todays society. Reactions can appear shortly after eating a particular food or several hours later. Symptoms range from itching, rash, stomach pain, diarrhoea, vomiting, itchy eyes, sneezing to asthma attacks and allergic shock.
Some patients react to food contaminated with sprays, pesticides or mold / fungi. Reactions to food additives like food colouring and preservatives are also on the rise. Among those are glutamate, benzoic acid and many more of the “E-labelled” substances.
For the NHS, finding out your allergies/intolerances can be expensive and time consuming to find out. That’s why GP's do not often suggest referrals for tests. Furthermore, such tests are not very comprehensive and only cover a small range of items.
Using bioresonance testing methods, our simple finger prick blood tests are easy to administer and can be carried out in the comfort of your own home. We have a unique range of tests including generic packages that cover broad categories of known allergens and items. Alternatively, if you suspect a sensitivity towards a particular group of foods such as nuts, or meat etc, that's no problem. Testing for individual groups of foods are available too.