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All Allergy & Intolerance Tests

Our Best Value Test Packages

We offer a selection of specialised tests ranging from individual categories like dairy, grains to comprehensive tests checking for various food products plus dustmites, pollen and much more. For a full list of all our tests, see below.

#3 best seller

Essential Test

Over 150 items


A Bioenergetic blood test covering the main staple foods that we have in our diet. We test for a wide selection of everyday grains, dairy, fruits, vegetables, fish, wheat, nuts and more. 

The Essential Test
The Advanced Test

#2 best seller

Advanced Test

Over 270 items


The Advanced Test Package includes all of the Essential Test items as well as testing food artificials including food flavourings, preservatives, colourings & emulsifiers (e-numbers).

The Advanced Test

#1 best seller

Comprehensive Test

Over 400 items


Our best-selling package gives you a comprehensive overview of all potential intolerances, food and non-food. Along with the Advanced test items, this test includes environmental factors such as pollen, animals, fibres, perfume contents etc

The Comprehensive Test

Other Tests


Babies Intolerance Test

Over 300 items

Is your Baby showing signs of Discomfort? It could be a Food or Environmental Intolerance. For parents that suspect their baby may be developing allergies, discover the cause with our specialised intolerance test.

Baby Allergy Intolerance Test


Wheat, Gluten & Grains

Over 15 items

Common foods are made with wheat including bread, pasta, cakes, pastries, cereals and some types of flour. This test helps determine if you are intolerant to wheat or other everyday grains including oats, barley & more.  

Wheat Gluten Allergy Test
Milk Dairy Allergy Test


Milk & Dairy Products

Over 15 items

This test covers a wide range of dairy products including cow’s milk, goat’s milk, kefir, yoghurt, cream, lactose and more. This test can show which types of dairy your body can and cannot tolerate.


Plants & Pollen

Over 70 items

There are many types of pollen that can trigger symptoms varying from a range of skin conditions and more. This test assesses the sensitivity to different types of flowers, grass, shrubs, bushes and trees.

Pants & Pollen Allergy Test


Fish & Crustaceans

Over 15 items

Our Fish Allergy Test covers a wide selection of fish and shellfish. For instance, we test for intolerances against salmon, tuna, haddock, prawns etc

Fish & Crustaceans Allergy Test


The Alcohol Intolerance Test

Complete Alcohol Test

40+ items

The world's most comprehensive Alcohol Intolerance test. Examples include Bacardi, Beer, Brandy, Campari, Champagne, Cider, Tia Maria, Vodka, Whisky (American), Whisky (Canadian), Whisky Wine (Red), Wine (Rose), Wine (White)

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