The Testing Process
Getting an allergy/intolerance test couldn't be easier - simply choose and pay for your test, take a finger-prick sample at home and send it back to us in the envelope provided. Then simply wait for your results. Rest assured, we will send you everything you need to collect your sample.
The procedure is quick and easy. The process starts with you ordering your required test online, after which our simple finger prick blood collection pack, is posted to you.
Only 2 to 3 Drops of Blood Required.
Once we receive your sample at our lab, we let you know that it has been received and start the testing process. Your results will follow within 5 working days.
The sample can be taken anywhere – either by us at our premises (in East London), or you in the comfort of your own home. The blood collection pack includes everything you need to take your sample including simple step by step instructions. Alternatively, you may also watch the video . The sample is then returned using the enclosed addressed envelope.
Some patients react to food contaminated with sprays, pesticides or mold / fungi. Reactions to food additives like food colouring and preservatives are also on the rise. Among those are glutamate, benzoic acid and many more of the “E-labelled” substances.
Simple. Convenient. Informative.
Order Your Test
Choose from our exclusive range of packages and/or individual tests
Receive Your Sample
We will send you clear instructions on how to collect a sample successfully
Post Back To Us
All test kits come with a pre-paid envelope to post your sample to our laboratory.
Receive Your Results
Your results will be sent to you within 5-7 working days via email